The Three C’s of Branding

So many companies leap into advertising without setting themselves up for success.  Just like building a house, building a brand requires a solid foundation and that’s where marketing pros come in.  Our team loves working with new clients to analyze their current efforts and make recommendations for poignant and effective campaigns.  We also challenge our current clients to hone in on the most appropriate message for the right audience where it can best be delivered. 

It’s all about the three C’s – be clear on your COMPANY’S mission, vision and values; knowing what makes your CUSTOMER tick; and, finally really being aware of who your COMPETITION is and how your company is better.  Once we articulated all of that, a marketing plan is born.

Our process is unique and thorough. We work with our clients to unearth what’s working and what’s not for the company.  We reach a perfect consensus regarding target, messaging and media.  At the end of this exercise, we create a brand guideline which becomes your communication guide so all advertising, signage, collateral, etc. can be presented in one voice so your customer has clear reason to spend money with your business while creating adoration of the brand.

We’d love to do a brand review on your business.  Give us a call today.


How businesses of all sizes can embrace social media